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Jens Noeckel

Jens Noeckel profile picture
  • Affiliation: Faculty
  • Title: Associate Professor
  • Phone: 541-346-5210
  • Office: 456 Willamette Hall, 5203 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5295
  • Interests: Quantum chaos and semiclassical physics in microcavity optics; optical and transport properties of mesoscopic systems.
  • Website: Website


Jens Nöckel earned his PhD in applied physics from Yale University in 1997.  He was on staff at the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems and a senior design engineer at Nanovation Technologies, Inc.  He joined the faculty of the physics department at the University of Oregon in 2001.

Ph.D. 1997, Yale

At UO since: 2001

Field of Specialization: Optical Physics (Theory)