
Ray Frey receives recognition as APS Fellow
Ray Frey has been honored as a Fellow of the American Physical Society in recognition of his leadership in several areas leading to gravitational wave detection, including the effects of environmental influences on the LIGO detectors and the searches for gravitational waves associated with ...

Cohen Appointment at CERN
UO physicist gets rare staff position at CERN atom smasher
Around the O May 24, 2022 – 8:43am UO physics professor Tim Cohen has become the second researcher from a U.S. institution ever to join the staff at the European Organization for Nuclear Research ...
Farr, Paulose NSF CAREER awards
Around the O
February 14, 2022 – 2:03pm
Two assistant professors of physics at the University of Oregon have landed prized National Science Foundation research grants, funding their projects for the next four years.
Ben Farr and Jayson Paulose have been awarded $400,000 and $593,407, ...

John Toner’s research featured in Around the O
Physics of cilia explain sperm’s successful swimming
Around the O January 18, 2022 – 5:00am Sperm can’t claim all the credit for their strong swimming. Carpets of tiny hairs lining the inside of the fallopian tubes give them an extra boost, propelling them upwards. Now, UO theoretical ...
Kribs, Chang & Cohen get funding to keep probing the unknown
Around the O
December 13, 2021 – 5:00am
Three University of Oregon physicists are able to continue their mission to uncover the fundamental secrets of the universe, thanks to continued funding from the U.S. Department of Energy.
The department’s high energy physics program awarded $1.28 ...

New research effort shines more light on black hole collisions
Around the O December 1, 2021 – 5:00am
While light can’t escape the monstrous gravity of a black hole, that hasn’t kept researchers on a team that includes UO scientists from taking a big step forward in the effort to reveal their secrets.
UO researchers are a key part of LIGO, an ...

Bruce Edelman’s research featured in AAS NOVA
Addressing a Gap in Our Knowledge of Black Holes
By Tarini Konchady on 20 August 2021 One way for black holes to form is in supernovae, or the deaths of massive stars. However, our current knowledge of stellar evolution and supernovae suggests that black holes with masses between 55 and 120 ...
Jim Isenberg named American Mathematical Society fellow
Around the O January 20, 2021 – 2:37pm
Two UO mathematics professors, Jonathan Brundan and James Isenberg, have been named 2021 fellows of the American Mathematical Society.
Brundan was selected for his contributions to the Lie theory and representation theory, while Isenberg, a ...

Tien-Tien Yu earns sought-after NSF Career Award
Around the O December 11, 2020 – 2:01 pm
A pair of UO faculty members have received one of the most prestigious awards from the National Science Foundation to pursue research projects in their respective fields.
Physicist Tien-Tien Yu and biochemist Scott Hansen were named ...